Help Your Child Thrive in School with the Benefits of Tae Kwon Do

Tae Kwon Do and School

We are on the cusp back to school season again here in West Chester, which means now is a great time to think about how you can improve your child’s academic and social success as we move into this new year.

Here at Master P’s Tae Kwon Do, we also know that now is also the time when many parents look into after school programs in the area, hoping to find activities that fulfill their child’s needs. If you are looking for an after school program in West Chester that has the best chance of:

  • Helping your child learn to focus
  • Building your child’s social confidence
  • Improving your child’s flexibility, strength, and balance

You’ll find that Tae Kwon Do assists with all of these and more, providing your with an after school activity that will teach them lessons and give them strength that will help them in school and beyond.

Who We Are

Before we address the benefits of Tae Kwon Do, a brief introduction. Master P’s World Class Tae Kwon Do is a local martial arts center that has trained over 500 black belts and is deeply connected to the Chester County community. We’ve provided martial arts training programs in schools across West Chester and beyond, and would love an opportunity to show you how our martial arts classes work and why your child will benefit.

Right now, we’re offering one week for free. Your child can try out our classes, meet our instructors, and see who so many love martial arts and Tae Kwon Do. Click here to sign up or call us at any time to learn more.

Benefits of Tae Kwon Do on Your Child’s Academic Success

With that in mind, Tae Kwon Do is famous for its holistic benefits on the wellbeing of children, more so than many other after school activities. That is because it focuses on many critical tools for helping children succeed in the classroom and outside of it. These include:

  • Teaching Attention/Focus – Tae Kwon Do is heavily pushes focus and control. We teach how to stay calm, keep your attention on your body and your movements, and keep your eyes on your next task. Martial arts are often a recommended after school activity for children with ADHD, but the benefits are valuable for all developing children.
  • Teaching Respect – Similarly, a focus of Tae Kwon Do is respect for parents and instructors. Students are expected to show respect to their parents and other adults as part of the belt program, only able to move up when they show that they respect others. Not only does that help at home, but it helps improve respect for teachers in the classroom.
  • Teaching Confidence – Tae Kwon Do improves self-esteem and builds confidence. We have anti-bullying programs to help students learn how to not just defend themselves physically, but also how to know when they’re being picked on and what to do to address it.

Tae Kwon Do, as a martial art, also teaches strength and self-defense. It is going to help your child build strength and stamina, improve their heart health, and teach their muscles to work together to provide them with better balance and less risk of injury.

Still, even the physical benefits of Tae Kwon Do can help in the classroom. For example, self control. The fluid movements in Tae Kwon Do require control of one’s body, and this teaches a child to stay in control of their bodies in the classroom – less fidgeting, moving, and distraction.

At Master P’s World Class Tae Kwon Do, we also make sure to emphasize the social component. We teach shy children how to be loud, confident, and take up space. We teach children that are uncomfortable socially how to interact in mutually beneficial ways.

See the Benefits for Your Child Today

Every year, your hope is that your child continues to improve and grow. Sign your child up today for an after school program that not only improves their strength and balance, but their academic success as well. Try us for free today, and see what makes Tae Kwon Do such a great choice for your child this upcoming school year.