Why Should Children Learn Taekwondo?

It is important for children to find healthy extracurricular learning opportunities early in life. Taekwondo can give children that opportunity in a positive, safe, and responsible way.  Besides the physical benefit of a martial art form, Taekwondo can also assist in childhood emotional development, and even help them get better grades in school.

As a martial art, Taekwondo is not intended for harm but rather for self-defense, self-expression, and self-actualization. In fact, Taekwondo was originally developed with two primary intentions: to create a form of self-defense, and to allow the martial artist to develop a stronger body and mind – the latter of which is highly beneficial for children.

What Taekwondo Can Do

Tae Kwon Do has many tangible, functional, well researched benefits to children that engage in Tae Kwon Do at a young age. Some of these benefits include:

  • Taekwondo Can Help Children in School

The discipline and dedication required in the martial arts are a great way to prepare children to excel in school. Early education is such an important time in a child’s life, and anything we can do to make them feel more prepared is going worth it in the long run.

While Taekwondo may not teach your child math or science, what it does do is help them with the skills that support their educational experience. Being successful in school requires much more than just books. Learning to cooperate with kindness and integrity are also lessons in the classroom, something that children pick up on in their classes.

School also requires focus, and the ability to avoid distractions and pay attention to (and respect) the person in charge. That is a key component in marital arts, and something that we strive for here at Master P’s World Class Tae Kwon Do.

Socializing, another component of the academic experience, involves learning many new skills that children may struggle with. But a background in Taekwondo lends itself to experience in not only teamwork, but also in finding compromises to conflict and other nonviolent solutions many children are still learning in their first few years at school.

These are all ways that Tae Kwon Do can help your child in school.

  • Taekwondo Can Help Children With Mental Health

Martial arts are known to be beneficial for your child’s mental health. With a strict focus on self-confidence and introspection, Taekwondo is a useful tool for a child to have as they begin learning who they want to be.

Martial arts also involves meditation, moments of quiet reflection, and breathing exercises that allow children moments to examine their own moods and in ways that help them learn to manage their emotions and anxieties. Exercise – especially exercise with measurable improvement – is also scientifically proven to have a positive effect on mental health, and a part of the Taekwondo process.

  • Taekwondo Can Help Children With Physical Strength

Martial arts is also an outstanding form of exercise, burning more calories and involving more muscles than jogging. It can lead to increased cardiovascular health and physical strength at an early age, while also teaching children techniques and disciplines that will allow them to take better care of their bodies for years to come.

Self-defense often means more than defense from threats. It can also mean defending ourselves from treating our own bodies poorly or pushing them in ways we will pay for in the decades to come.

Sign Up Your Child for Taekwondo Classes

As a Kinesiology study in 2018 showed, “[Taekwondo] performed at early ages not only contributes to the development of motor skills, but also help children gain social, recreational and academic skills, as well as self-esteem. Regular physical activities also protect them against the risks of chronic diseases at their older ages.”

There are many benefits to Taekwondo, and these benefits only improve as your child gets older. Sign up with Master P’s World Class Tae Kwon Do today to learn more, or see your child change as they progress.